Sunday 5 January 2014

GP: Technical Analysis - The Ring - Gore Verbinski - 2002

In this clip there are a fair few shots and clips that would be relevant and work rather well in our opening. I personally love the use of zooming and panning to achieve foreboding in this clip because it is really effective and the pace can vary which alters the mood; slow means tense and fast means action. How both the clock and telephone link together 3:23-3:26 helps explain the story more clearly; the film is more satisfying for the audience. The realism of the situation and how relatable it is is created by the house as a setting and the everyday actions happening (watching TV).  All of these factors make it more real for the audience and this causes a higher scare factor.

The shot at the beginning shows just the house and it is silent (0:21 – 0:33), this works well as it suggests that they are a lone which is conventional of a horror. The time of day increases the tension because of the lighting having an effect; the girls seem more vulnerable at the night, this is also conventional of a horror movie as they are usually associated with darkness and night.

Sound and Effects
0:00 – 0:21
 Slow long shot zoom in, the scenes that follow are then clearly set in this house
0:21 – 0:33
 A large realistic house is the focus as the shot only shows it
 Mid-shot zoom in towards the actresses
0:33 – 0:58
 Characters centred one is higher than the other, lazy and bored body language, realistic house setting
 Dialogue and TV playing in the background, dialogue that suggests boredom
 A TV advert, this shot just shows the TV from a mid-shot
0:58 - 0:59  
 Realistic normal advert, quite cheery
Short clip of dialogue speech from the TV
0:59 – 1:05
Characters are centred and both continue to look bored, still chilled
Thoughtful dialogue, quite realistic
 High angle, close-up shot
1:05 – 1:07
 One character is shown smiling and still relaxed
More dialogue, "i got a better one"
 Mid-shot, slight low-angle
1:07 – 1:11
 Sitting on bed relaxed and the characters are still centred
 Dialogue "video tape that kills you when you watch it"
 Eye-level, close-up, reaction shot
1:11 – 1:17
 Character sitting up looking less relaxed
 Dialogue continues
 Close-up, zoom shot, other character's hair is close-up and out of focus suggesting that she is watching this other girl
1:17 – 1:46
Character has a serious face so with the story telling she seems sinister, her black hair and clothing also connotes this sinister feeling
 Dialogue telling story about a tape
 Close-up reaction shot,
1:46 – 1:48
Characters face looks scared, character is centred
Worried dialogue
 Close-up reaction shot
1:48 – 1:52
Confused character's face 
 Close-up reaction shot
1:52 – 1:55
 Still serious and scared character's face
 "I've watched it" dialogue, realisation
 Close-up reaction shot
1:55 – 1:57
 Less serious face than the other character
Dialogue which is suggesting the other character is being ridiculous
 Close-up reaction shot
1:57 – 2:00
 Scared face which increases tension
 Dialogue that reveals something
 Mid-reaction shot
2:00 – 2:03
 Still sitting on bed and character is centred with other girl's hair in shot
 Confused and annoyed dialogue
 Close-up reaction shot
2:03 – 2:08
 More relaxed body language, not as tense
 Dialogue, trying to explain herself, talking about general things now
 Mid-reaction shot
2:08 – 2:11
Other girl's hair still in shot but out of focus , annoyed facial expression
 Annoyed dialogue
 Close-up reaction shot, eye-level
2:11 – 2:17
 Annoyed facial expression, serious
 Angry voice levels of dialogue then explaining herself (struggling)
 Mid-reaction shot
2:17 – 2:20
 Really annoyed facial expression
 "What?" quizzing dialogue
 Close-up reaction shot
2:20 – 2:31
 Worried and scared body language
 "I thought it was some kind of sick joke"
 Close-up reaction shot
2:31 – 2:36
 Scared facial expression, character is centred
 Other character's dialogue
 Close-up reaction shot
2:36 – 2:40
 Terrified face as she realises; tension increases, she is centred
 "A week ago tonight" realisation dialogue
 Close-up reaction shot
2:40 – 2:46
 Worried facial expression continues, she looks away in denial
 Nervous laughter to ridicule the other character's dialogue, wanting to reassure herself not to be scared
 Close-up reaction shot
2:46 – 2:50
 Pretending to be choking
 Choking noises
 Close-up reaction shot
2:50 – 2:51
 Character looks worried and surprised but is still in denial
 Choking noises continue
2:51 – 3:01
 Characters are still on bed centred, character pretending to choke falls on other girls lap clutching her throat, other character realises and pushes girl of bed as a joke and throws pillow
 Scared dialogue and choking, character choking laughs and other characters dialogue is annoyed 
 High-angle shot
3:01 – 3:07
 Girl is on floor laughing and the mood is relaxed
 Laughter dialogue
 Low-angle shot
3:07 – 3:10
Girl sitting on bed smiling at other girl, she is centred
 Quizzing dialogue, promiscuous
 High-angle, close-up, reaction shot
3:10 – 3:13
 Confused facial expression
 "Like what?" dialogue
3:13 – 3:17
 Smiling relaxed body language, throws pillow jokingly again
 Relaxed dialogue, joking
High-angle, reaction shot
3:17 – 3:18
Girl getting whacked by the pillow on the floor
 Laughter dialogue
 Low-angle close-up reaction shot
3:18 – 3:20
 Girl smiling and she is centred, pillow being thrown
 Laughter dialogue
 Eye-shot, close-up reaction shot
3:20 – 3:23
 Face changes to being serious, a sense of foreboding is introduced
 Sudden telephone noise - tension brought up again
 Mid-shot to close-up shot zoom-in
3:23 – 3:26
 A clock is the centre of this shot continuing the foreboding 
 Clock emphasises the significance of the telephone ringing as the audience somehow links the two
 Close-up reaction shot
3:26 – 3:30
 Confused facial expression, looks towards the noise
 Telephone continues to ring
 Close-up reaction shot
3:30 – 3:33
 Worried facial expression, looks towards friend for comfort and out of confusion
 Telephone sound effect 
 Close-up reaction shot
3:33 – 3:38
 Scared facial expression, realisation
 Telephone and quizzing dialogue linking back to tape; foreboding
 Close-up reaction shot
3:38 – 3:41
 Seriously terrified body language
 Breathing from the character; tense
 Camera is centred and still, mid-shot
3:41 – 3:47
 Characters walking down stairs
 Telephone continues to ring
 Camera focus switches between characters and phone, long-shot 
3:47 – 4:40
 Build-up towards the answering of the phone as the characters walk slowly towards it, laughter as the realisation that it is a joke
 Telephone rings and scared dialogue turns to joking dialogue as her mum is on the phone; mood changes
 Close-up shot that follows character and then holds as the fridge door shuts
4:40 – 4:47
 Less tense body language and the use of the fridge as a prop which makes the situation more realistic and relatable
 Talks on phone to mum dialogue, normal conversation so mood is changed, fridge door shuts
 Mid-shot zoom in and then pans to the left following the character
4:47 – 4:57
 Character on the phone and then she hangs up, TV is shown to be on and the character stops; foreboding
 Annoyed at her mum dialogue and end of phone call sound effect, TV noise is sudden
 Close-up reaction, eye-level shot
4:57 – 5:05
 Continuity as her head turns slowly towards the TV; tense, scared body language, mood switches to tense again
 TV noise continues
 Mid-shot, perspective shot panning around the door slowly zooming in
5:05 – 5:14
 The TV is focused here and is centered, the sound enhances the focus
 TV noise continues
5:14 – 5:20
 Girl looks around confused and then stops, realising; shock
 Denial dialogue as the TV noise continues
5:20 – 5:22
 Remote increases tension and enhances confusion, audience realisation; foreboding
 TV noise
 Low-angle shot
5:22 – 5:23
 Girl grabs remote quickly; panicked body language
 TV noise
5:23 – 5:26
 TV turns off suddenly
 Noise suddenly turns silent; tense
5:26 – 5:51
 Girl in relief throws remote down and walks away relaxed, TV reflection in window, stops in her tracks and turns looking scared and confused, looks around and then runs towards the TV
 Silence to TV noise again, denial dialogue
 Close-up shot
5:51 – 5:55
 Girls face is close to the TV 
 TV noise
 Close-up shot
5:55 – 5:56
 Hand pulls plug out of socket
 TV noise suddenly stops
 Close-up shot and then pans around to the right to follow the weird ripple and noise
5:56 – 6:03
 Girls stares at TV in panic and then a weird ripple occurs, girl turns around, 
 Breathing and then spooky sound effect is emphasised by ripple
 Close-up reaction shot
6:03 – 6:09
 Terrified and confused body language looking towards noise; continuity and then walks out of the shot out of curiosity
 Breathing effect
6:09 – 6:14
 Girl walks into shot confused, looks round the door towards something; foreboding
 Silence; tension; audience anticipation
6:14 – 6:18
 Fridge door opening with no human there
 Mid-reaction shot
6:18 – 6:21
 Serious, startled body language, walks out of shot towards fridge
 Breathing; tense
6:21- 6:22
 Panic, girl runs towards fridge door
 Close-up shot
6:22 – 6:36
 Continuity, fridge door shuts, girl rests and then turns around, she turns her head again to then face the creepy sound
 Fridge door shutting noise and then breathing, creepy sound effect again
 High-angle showing the stairs shot, Mid-shot
6:36 – 6:54
 Stairs are shown, and then girl slowly walks into shot and then stops; tense, she then runs upstairs, panicked, she is centred
 Creepy sound effect continues, denial dialogue calling for friend
 Mid-shot, still camera
6:54 – 6:56
 Her feet are running up the stairs, panic
 Feet running up the stairs sound effect
 Long-shot, focus changes, low shot
6:56 – 7:17
 Girls walks into shot slowly and there is liquid on the floor, this is emphasised by the focus and how the low the shot is; tense; mysterious, out of the ordinary happenings
 Quiet, then dripping noise
 Close-up reaction shot
7:17 – 7:21
 Serious, scared body language
 Breathing; intensifies the atmosphere
 Close-up shot
7:21 – 7:24
 Handle is in focus and her hand goes towards it to be in focus as well
 Silence, then handle noise
 Close-up reaction shot
7:24 – 7:25
 She looks up, terrified
 Long shot, quick zoom in
7:25 – 7:26
 Door swings open and she is standing in the doorway, in the centre
 Door opening noise
 Fast zoom-in, mid- shot
7:26 – 7:27
 TV is in the centre with a dark image on the screen, abnormal
High pitched screaming; intense 
 Quick-zoom in, mid-shot
7:27 – 7:28
 Shocked and scared reaction as the girl is standing there in the centre
 Screaming noise continues
 Multiple images and then a TV screen fuzz, fast cutting rate
7:28 – 7:29
 TV Fuzz, then multiple flashing scary images, quite dark and unnerving, fast pace, then a TV fuzz
 TV fuzz noise


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