AS G3: Schedule for January 2014
- Sunday 19th of January: shooting the opening. Majority of shots are done.
- We need to complete two things for the final shots:
- Create an eerie video displaying the threatening message
- Film the threatening message and add it to the editing board
- All the above should not take longer than a week.
- 2 weeks max for editing of opening:
- Georgia edits, which we aim to have done before Winter half term.
- Isaac finishes animatic, which we aim to have done by Friday the 24th
- Alexander (with a wee bit of help) shall look for non-diegetic sound and touches up on the posts that require cleaning up.
- The whole group brainstorm for a more suitable title - which will be added in at the end of the editing.
- Reshoot on Sunday the 2nd of February
- focus on finishing the eerie video displaying threat. Done
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