Monday 27 January 2014

AS G3: A Change Of Heart

The group convened today and reviewed the footage from the shoot with almost exclusively positive feedback. The lighting was perfect in most shots, the acting was emotional and intense where we were worried it could have been cheesy, and we all rejoiced that our hard work had paid off. However, there was one significant problem that stuck out to us. Our piece did not come across as a psychological horror film.

Go on...

We looked at the footage multiple times as Georgia began the rough editing process and we realised that it was my fault (Isaac) as the director; I should have been more focused on the horrific situation this character has been placed in (he can't remember a single thing). However the situation IS undoubtedly tense and the protagonist IS undoubtedly scared. We consulted with the teachers about the "genre confusion" we were experiencing and realised that we had created a fusion/hybrid opening as opposed to the psychological horror we had been aiming for.

What does this mean?

This doesn't mean that we have failed in our task by any means, it simply means that we have to reconsider the definition of our opening and our genre. We realised that the closest genre to our opening was thriller, but the intense mental situation the character experiences is uniquely psychological, and certain elements of Film Noir were present too.

A side note

The group researched titles recently and found "Identity" is in fact already a feature film and thus cannot be used as our title. This means that we had to reconsider the title and we came up with a range of names when brainstorming as a group. Most centred around the theme of the character's name, such as "I am a Name" (which we decided was too cryptic and misleading), "My Name" (which we are considering) and more.

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