Sunday 15 December 2013

GP: Production and Distribution of Horror Films

Discuss the ways horror films are produced and distributed

Distribution and production in the film industry are affected by the genre of film in most cases, and horror is also characterised. With these characteristics come benefits and disadvantages of the production or distribution. However, this varies between the independent and industrial films. 

Independent Films

One advantage of the production of the horror genre is that horror is generally cheaper to produce than other genres, such as sci-fi. This advantage comes into play for independent films, in particular, Vertigo Films. A Night In The Woods (2012 - directed by Richard Parry) had a very low budget, but with the concept came a cheap location in the woods. Pro-filmic effects are used more in independent films, even though industrial films also use them (lighting and make-up) to create the desired outcome compared to special effects post-production in industrial films. This can be seen as a disadvantage; the quality may not be as good and the possibilities can be seen as limited, but pro-filmic effects can be very effective in sub-genres such as zombie horror and splatterpunk horror. Also, Richard Parry chose to use an improvised script instead of pay for a professional script writer. With less money spent on production comes more money to be spent on the distribution.


 Spending more on the distribution means the film gains even more potential consumers; the film can potentially have a higher profitWhen distributed, there is emphasis on the scary moments and conventions of horror; the marketing campaign has a focus. This emphasis is common within industrial and independent film companies.

 A Night In The Woods used the internet for their horror film campaign through the medium of YouTube as marketing for their trailer. The benefits of putting trailers on YouTube is that videos can go viral and can be shared easily. The internet is perfect for independent films as there is a potentially very large number of consumers with the internet community being so close-knit. Also, Internet advertising is much more cheaper than having a physical poster at a bus stop and is potentially more effective. 

Industrial Films

Industrial horror films have a huge budget so the production is bound to be high quality. With a high quality production there is a wider range visions that can be created, put onto screen and brought to life. However, although major conglomerates have the money, horror doesn't (usually) always need as big a budget as some of the other genres need. The Conjuring (2013 - James Wan) is an example of an industrial horror film as it had a budget of $20 million. With money comes more studios involved with the film; production is higher quality. Also, there are more contributors, such as writers, producers, cinematographers and musicians because of the access to the money; quality is more likely to be higher. However, even though The Conjuring had around a $300 million profit, doesn't mean all high quality industrial film profits exceed their budget.


Just like independent films, industrial films know what the consumers want and what the consumers expect of the horror genre; the trailer shows off the conventions. The conventions include dark colours, 'jumps', maybe gore, iconography and a tense mood created. Industrial films also have access to synergistic promotional activity such as merchandise or advertising in restaurants. Horror movie trailers can also be shown in cinemas during the adverts; this is particularly effective is the film about to be shown is of a similar genre. Industrial films can also reach other to more potential consumers through the internet compared to independent as the money for distribution can be spent on advertising on cinema websites or social media adverts (such as Facebook timeline advertising). Subsidiaries mean merchandise of the film can be created which further promotes the film. The relevant audiences are normally targeted, and The Conjuring is an example of this as The New York Comic Con saw the teaser trailer first. Also,  The Conjuring emphasised the storyline by showing the real-life Perron family in interviews weeks before the release date and promotional images were released months before the release date to start a buzz (this was done through the internet and the outdoors, such as posters). The marketing of the images was powered by the budget to purposefully create a hype, anticipation and to further extend the audience reached.

To conclude, industrial films tend to have the upper hand when it comes to distribution as a higher budget results in more advertising and exposure to wider masses. However, technology has aided indie films with distribution as  creating a Facebook page rather than buying a billboard on the side of the road and has the potential to reach just as many people. Technologic convergence has democratised film making for indie producers and is a way of targeting positive technological determinists through products and services through marketing. Cross media convergence is an advantage to industrial conlomerates such as Warner Bros as further exposure is given to the franchise. In terms of production, industrial films have greater competition each time technology is updated, but still have access to more technology than indie films due to the higher budget.


1 comment:

  1. Some good relevant content here Georgia and you show some good understanding of the issues surrounding the two business models. You need to carry out some research and find out more about the marketing of the industrial case study you mention. You could also improve on the introduction - which is a little generalised - by showing some understanding of the issues discussed in class surrounding film making for indus v. indep. You conclusion should sum up all the points and ensure that you mention issues like the cross media convergence - an advantage to industrial conglomerates like Warner Bros and to audiences as it gives them more exposure in some cases to the franchise. Technological convergence has democratised film making for indie producers and is a way of targeting positive technological determinists (like yourself) through marketing of products and services...You will need to make improvements and email me when you have.
