Monday 9 December 2013

Feedback 2 - Mrs Fernandez

Film analysis process feedback

Good presentation, however you could use more screen shots to illustrate the analysis and bullet points rather than long paragraphs.  Your second analysis is Level 4 in its technical observations; however to secure this, more detail needed on generic conventions and audience.  Also, revisit the ideological discourse and refer to specific shots to back up observations.

Excellent second analysis, well presented, technical and perceptive in observations - Level 4 / A grade in most aspects.  To improve you need to add detail on audience readings and revisit representation / ideological discourse - the same as Georgia in that specific detail from the clip needs to be included here.

The second deadline was met and you've now posted the first analysis too. Both contain aspects that are level 4, particularly technical observations, however they are incomplete; missing representation/Ideology and audience readings.  You also need to work on the blog post presentation to secure a Level 4 - screen shots, key terms highlighted.  This should be done to the deadline for the post to the best of your ability.  Please fix ASAP and email me to confirm.

So far, very enthusiastic work and excellent team communication on the blog through comments.  Please ensure blog posts are labelled with your initials at the beginning / or group.  Also, reflect on all research on how it could link to your concept development - a couple of points at the end.

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